Borrego Springs Aerobatic Box
THE Aerobatic Box
IAC 36 is home to the world’s finest aerobatic box. It’s permanent, surface-waivered, and built with markers larger than CIVA standards. It was designed to host the World Championships and is now available to all IAC 36 members.
Flights are authorized from 0900-Sunset on Monday-Saturday. The box is closed on Sundays, all major U.S. holidays, and the entire month of December.
To use the box, you must first “open” it by following the procedure below. Remember that we’re guests in Borrego! Do not abuse our welcome by making unnecessary noise or flying over the town (west of the box).

The Box Log
To comply with the FAA waiver, you must log your flights in the aerobatic box. Use this form to do so. (This data is not shared with anyone and is provided to the FAA only upon formal demand.) Fill out the log here.
Special provisions for box waiver
1. Aerobatic flight requiring CoW shall be confined to the area designated on the pictorial chart and as depicted on a sectional chart, attached to the CoW and defined in Special Provision 2.
2. The APA is further defined as follows: 4,300 feet by 4,300 feet, from the surface up to 5,000ft MSL, located 500 feet north of runway 8/26 at the Borrego Valley Airport, Borrego Springs, CA.
3. Except as specifically waived, no aerobatic maneuvers under this CoW may be performed over or within 500 feet laterally from any open air assembly of persons or congested area of any city, town, or settlement.
4. No person may operate an aircraft in the APA when the visibility is less than 3 miles or a ceiling less than 3000 feet.
5. Before commencing aerobatic flight operations, the person(s) authorized to activate and deactivate the APA shall be responsible for advising the Leidos Service Station (AFSS) 1-877-487-6867 of the activity and requesting that a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM D) that includes the following information be issued: a. The location, dates, and times the aerobatic activity will be in effect. b. If appropriate, the runway(s) that will be closed during the aerobatic activities.
6. Notification shall be made to the Leidos Flight Service Station (AFSS) 1-877-487-6867 at least 30 minutes before the beginning of aerobatic activity in the practice area, or, if a letter of agreement exists, notification shall be made as specified in that document. The Leidos Flight Service Station (AFSS) shall also be notified at the termination of aerobatic activities within the APA.
7. The person(s) authorized to activate and deactivate the APA described in special provision 2 is William Hill or the person(s) delegated by the CoW holder
8. The person named in special provision 7 shall also be responsible for the following: a. Reminding all participants that all pilots and aircraft operating within the confines of the activated CoW for a APA must be properly certificated; b. Briefing each pilot to ensure that all users of the APA are aware of, and are expected to comply with, the limitations imposed by the CoW and its attendant special provisions; and c. Maintaining a log containing the pilot’s name, airman certificate number, aircraft registration number, date, and time during which the APA was in use, and providing this information to the FAA upon request.
9. When required by ATC, all pilots must monitor ZLA ARTCC facility and frequency assigned on a continuous basis while operating within the APA
10. All pilots operating within the APA shall maintain VFR at all times and shall be responsible for seeing and avoiding all conflicting traffic.
11. Aerobatic flight shall be conducted only between the hours of sunrise and sunset.
12. The holder of this CoW or delegated representative acting as a safety observer, is responsible for halting or canceling activity in the APA if, at any time, the safety of persons or property on the ground or in the air is in jeopardy, or if there is a failure to comply with the terms or conditions of this CoW.
13. The FAA has the authority to cancel the CoW or delay any activities if the safety of persons or property on the ground or in the air is in jeopardy, or if there is a violation of the terms of the CoW.